Aparat de fotografiat: NIKON D90 (NIKON CORPORATION) | ISO: 200 | Timp de expunere: 10/6400 | Diafragma: f/1.8 | Distanta focala: 500/10
Nume fotografie: _csc0226a
Autor: Ramana Ranto
Autor: Ramana Ranto
Comentarii (3)
03 Nov 2010, ora 11:34
comentariu scris de Florica Jianu
i must congratulate you for photostream... great compositions you are an example because you work directly black & white by camera...i never tried that... all my respect for your work, you are a talent.
04 Nov 2010, ora 20:19
comentariu scris de Ranto Ramana
thanks again, i try to find my way, my style, the good setup...maybe my life is currently "colorless"...I have seen your picture too and you are also a talent!! See you for the next excursion :)